Home > Guinea military stages coup d'etat, deposes president

Guinea military stages coup d'etat, deposes president


Conakry, Sep 5 (EFE/EPA).- Confusion reigned on Sunday in Guinea-Conakry after elements of the military staged a coup d'etat, detained President Alpha Conde and declared both the constitution and the government to be invalid.Conde, who had governed the West African nation with a firm hand since 2010, was detained by members of the army's Special Forces Group, according to the commander of that elite body, Col. Mamady Doumboya, who was identified by local media as a former French Foreign Legion soldier who had returned to Guinea in 2018. (Camera: EPA).B-ROLL OF THE STREETS IN CONAKRY, GUINEA, AFTER THE MILITARY COUP.

Added on the 06/09/2021 02:24:49 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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