Home > Hundreds protest in Rome against coronavirus certificate

Hundreds protest in Rome against coronavirus certificate


Rome, Jul 27 (EFE).- (Camera: Alvaro Padilla) Hundreds of people gathered in Rome on Tuesday to protest coronavirus regulations that will require people to be fully vaccinated to be able to access certain services such as indoor dining.The rally was organized by the Io Apro, which groups hospitality workers who oppose the closure of their businesses.FOOTAGE OF THE PROTEST IN THE PIAZZA DAL POPOLO IN ROME.SOUNDBITES OF LUCA, PROTESTER.Translation: I am here at this very moment, to protest this immediate request for the Green Pass. I personally would have postponed it until the end of the vaccination. Let's decide on a vaccination date, could it be the end of September? By early October we could start with the Green pass. In this way we give everyone the possibility to decide whether to do it or not to do it. Doing it like this now at this time is discriminatory. Eliminates people's freedom.I have a 14-year-old daughter who from August 6 will not be able to enter my gym, will not be able to go to the pool, will not be able to go to the movies, if she does not take a coronavirus test every 3 days.

Added on the 27/07/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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