Home > Migrant houseing in Mexico shut due to Covid-19, 100 placed in quarantine

Migrant houseing in Mexico shut due to Covid-19, 100 placed in quarantine


Villahermosa, Jul 1 (EFE) .- A migrant housing in the Mexican state of Tabasco, on the border with Guatemala, closed its facilities for at least a month, due to a series of Covid-19 infections, managers reported Thursday.Around a hundred people were subsequently placed in quarantine.(Camera: MANUEL LOPEZ)SHOT LST: B-ROLL OF THE MIGRANT HOUSEING WHICH HAD TO SHUT ITS FACILITIES FOLLOWING A COVID-19 OUTBREAK IN THE MEXICAN STATE OF TABASCO.

Added on the 02/07/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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