Home > Omarosa: Trump's Loss To Biden Has Triggered A 'Psychotic Episode'

Omarosa: Trump's Loss To Biden Has Triggered A 'Psychotic Episode'


A former aide to President Donald Trump, Omarosa Manigault Newman says she believes Trump's 'going through a psychotic episode' over his election loss. Omarosa Manigault Newman, often referred to simply as Omarosa, was also a contestant on Trump's reality TV show, 'The Apprentice.' Saturday, Omarosa told MSNBC's Alex Witt that Trump's actions remind her of the show because he's 'trying to produce a moment' to change the results. The American people need true leadership, not a reality TV host, which Donald Trump is reverting to. Omarosa Manigault Newman Omarosa says she 'feels bad' for anyone left in the Trump administration because Trump will blame everyone for his loss except for himself.

Added on the 27/12/2020 16:52:56 - Copyright : Wochit

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