Home > Tension on Peru-Brazil border boils over with incidents between authorities and migrant caravan

Tension on Peru-Brazil border boils over with incidents between authorities and migrant caravan


Inapari, Feb 16 (EFE).- Tension on the Peru-Brazil border boiled over Tuesday with incidents between the Peruvian authorities and a migrant caravan that tried to cross the checkpoint from Brazil.According to witnesses in the Peruvian jungle region of Madre de Dios, a group of about 350 migrants breached the border crossing between the towns of Assis, Brazil, and Iñapari, Peru, in order to continue with their plan to cross the Andean country and march north. (Camera: PAOLA PEÑA).SHOT LIST: HAITIAN MIGRANTS IN THE TOWN OF INAPARI, MADRE DE DIOS, PERU.

Added on the 17/02/2021 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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