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Trump Unlikely To Pardon His Adult Children


President Donald Trump's final batch of pardons is expected to contain few controversial or outlandish criminals. According to CNN, Trump spent Saturday night huddled in a lengthy meeting with his legal advisers. In it, he was warned that pardoning himself and his family members would put him in legal peril and convey the appearance of guilt. Also, pardoning GOP lawmakers involved in the Capitol insurrection would anger the very Senate Republicans impeaching him. Several of Trump's closest advisers have also urged him not to grant clemency to anyone who breached the US Capitol. White House counsel Pat Cipollone and another attorney who represented Trump in his first impeachment trial, Eric Herschmann, offered the grave warnings. Trump, his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner listened quietly. Trump may, of course, change his mind.

Added on the 19/01/2021 18:07:29 - Copyright : Wochit

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