Home > 2023 Toyota bZ4X Battery Electric SUV in Grey Driving Video

2023 Toyota bZ4X Battery Electric SUV in Grey Driving Video


With the bZ4X, Toyota is presenting its first battery-electric vehicle (BEV) and is breaking new ground in two senses: With the introduction of the all-electric SUV model, the bZ sub-brand is also celebrating its world premiere. The abbreviation stands for "beyond zero" - in German about: "beyond zero emissions". As the first purely electric vehicle, the bZ4X has real off-road qualities. The debut of the e-SUV gives further impetus to the multi-technology approach that Toyota is taking towards carbon neutrality.As a pioneer of electric mobility, Toyota has implemented more than a quarter of a century of experience and know-how in the construction of electrified drives in the bZ4X. Toyota cooperated with partner Subaru to develop the BEV SUV model. Among other things, the Japanese car manufacturer contributed its great expertise in all-wheel drives.

Added on the 02/08/2022 08:05:21 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN

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