Home > From mascots to gladiators : life of crickets in China in 2021

From mascots to gladiators : life of crickets in China in 2021


Beijing, Sep 21 (EFE).- A cricket throws its opponent through the air and falls belly up a few centimeters away. The men who surround the “ring” let out a cry of admiration, except for one, who smiles resignedly and leaves a bundle of bills on the table: the arthropod he bet on has lost the fight. (Camera: JAVIER TRIANA).B-ROLL OF THE GUANYUAN MARKET IN BEIJING, CHINA.SOUND BITES: MRS. LU, THE OWNER OF THE ANIMAL SHOP IN DONGCHENG DISTRICT.TRANSLATION:- Winter is the peak season every year. They will start to prepare grasshopper every September 15, then the business will peak in October and the hustle and bustle will continue until Chinese New Year. After that, the peak season ends.2. Cricket farmers collect some insects in the wild in summer and leave some of their eggs to hatch in winter. Although these insects are pests for crops, they are also a good source of income for farmers, because some people like to have these insects as pets, so it also helps them (farmers) earn more money.

Added on the 21/09/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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