Added on the 18/02/2021 22:11:55 - Copyright : AFPTV - First images
Le rover Persévérance de la NASA découvre les composants de la vie sur Mars
NASA's Perseverance rover sends its first two images to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, shortly after landing on Mars. IMAGES
NASA confirms that the Mars 2020 spacecraft carrying the Perseverance rover has entered the Red Planet's atmosphere. The risky, autonomously guided landing phase lasts about seven minutes, and it takes more than 11 minutes for a radio signal to reach Earth. IMAGES
NASA's latest rover Perseverance launches for Mars, blasting off from Cape Canaveral, Florida on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on schedule. IMAGES
NASA has confirmed that there is liquid water flowing on Mars, which is a potential breakthrough in the quest to search for life beyond Earth.